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Collaborative Art Workshops

In my workshops, I encourage participants to focus on the physical movement involved in drawing. Dance and body movement are incorporated into the creation of drawings which then act as visual journals, mapping conversations and events. These journals can take many forms depending on the needs and abilities of the students, from small personal books to large collaborative installations. 


Equity & Inclusion Projects

Limestone District School Board

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Drawing as Dance 

Quinte Ballet School of Canada

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Our Journey - Survivor Empowerment Project

Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Services

Torture Abolition & Survivor Support Coalition

Teaching-Artist Residencies & Exhibitions

Creating Communities Through Art - Research assistant for archival research and oral history project that brought together informal art teaching and learning organizations across the Katarokwi-Kingston area. Funded by the Mitacs Accelerate Fellowship, co-presented by Union Gallery and the Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning. Faculty supervisor, Jennifer Kennedy.  Research, Jan. - Aug. 2022. Exhibition, August 9-September 17, 2022.


SOAR with Art - SOAR23 Program (Students Overcoming Anxiety and Rebuilding) Teaching artist residency, Winston Churchill Public School, Kingston, Ontario. Issue-based learning project funded by the Ontario Arts Council, Limestone District School Board and the City of Kingston, grants awarded in 2016, 2017 & 2018.  Funded by University Hospitals Kingston Foundation in 2019


Expanding Advocacy, a 12-week teaching artist residency in three schools, Lord Strathcona PS, Odessa PS, Southview PS, Kingston, Ontario. Issue-based learning. Mixed media projects designed to help students with learning disabilities practice self-advocacy skills. Funded by the Ontario Arts Council, Limestone District School Board and the City of Kingston. Exhibition of student work at the Discovery Centre, Fort Henry June 18, 2018


Animating Advocacy, 10-week teaching artist residency, Lord Strathcona Public School, Kingston, Ontario. Issue-based learning. Stop motion animation projects designed to help students with learning disabilities practice self-advocacy skills. Funded by the Ontario Arts Council, Limestone District School Board and the City of Kingston, 2017


Exploring the Art of Observation, 5-week teaching artist residency, Amherstview PS, Kingston, ON. Arts projects aimed at integrating newcomers to Canada and addressing issues of bullying, 2017


Roots Grow Blossoms, 5-week teaching artist residency, co-teacher - Nancy Douglas, First Avenue Public School and Frontenac Public School, Kingston, Ontario. Funded by the Ontario Arts Council, LDSB and the City of Kingston. 2015-2016


Exploring Self Advocacy with Art, presentation to Faculty of Ed students, Queen’s University, Kingston, co-presented with Nancy Douglas, 2015


Drawing as Dance, Culture Days event in collaboration with the Quinte Ballet School of Canada, 2015 and 2016


Find Your Voice, 8-week teaching artist residency, co-teacher - Nancy Douglas, Lord Strathcona Public School, Kingston, Ontario. Issue-based learning.  Mixed media projects designed to help students with learning disabilities practice self-advocacy skills. Funded by the OAC, Limestone District School Board and the City of Kingston. Exhibition of student work, The Studio Gallery, Queens University Faculty of Education, 2015


Your Own Grad School, Artist Residency, Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre, Kingston, ON. Seven artists set up a workspace in the gallery for six weeks, participating in reading groups and public presentations. 2014


Our Journey: Survivor Empowerment Project, a collaborative project between the Torture Abolition and Survivor Support Coalition (TASSC) and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) I designed and led a two-day drawing workshop with the goal of lifting up the voices of survivors of torture who had left their home countries to escape persecution for political, religious, or other beliefs. 2013 Exhibition of participants’ artwork: Pinebox Art Center, Baltimore, MD, May 2013, The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD, World Refugee Day, June 22, 2013


National Art Educators Association, Special Session - Best Practice Lecture, Your Brain On Art: Emotion & Experience in the Museum. An introduction to neuro-education highlighting the implications of neuroscience research on experiences with works of art. Co-presented with Emily Blumenthal. NAEA Convention, New York City, 2012

Images © Peggy Fussell 2022

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